Onboard Process

Setting up a Validator

  1. Run Axelar FullNode
    1. Download binary and configure node
    2. Startup node, wait for it caught up to the latest block height, you can either
      1. Fast track, use blockchain snapshot to sync to latest block
      2. Sync from genesis block and follow the upgrade path
  2. Become a Validator by following the steps https://docs.axelar.dev/validator/setup/overview#steps-to-become-a-validator

Node Monitoring

Please read our guidelines and recommendations on monitoring a Validator or Node

Its highly recommended that alerts are setup around following prometheus metrics from a validator node

Validators - Messaging Scheme

Setup pagerduty or other internal alerting scheme following this messaging scheme:


Read Slashing Conditions for Downtime and Double-Signing

Execute following CLI on the machine hosting validator or node

$ axelard q slashing params

Output should be something like

downtime_jail_duration: 7200s
min_signed_per_window: "0.500000000000000000"
signed_blocks_window: "35000"
slash_fraction_double_sign: "0.020000000000000000"
slash_fraction_downtime: "0.000100000000000000"