The AxelarGateway contract is the entry and exit point for cross-chain messaging via the Axelar protocol. The Axelar Gateway makes use of the decentralized governance system of the Axelar network to manage governance actions such as contract upgrades.

Links to verified contracts are provided at the end. The flow is described below along with a diagram:

  1. A Governance contract manages the AxelarGateway on each chain. It enforces a 7-day timelock on any governance actions to be performed.
  2. The Axelar network has a governance module that allows Axelar validators and stakers to vote on proposals.
  3. Proposals can be scheduled on the governance contract only by the Axelar network governance account.
  4. To perform a governance action, a user creates a proposal on the Axelar network. If the proposal passes, a message to schedule the action is sent to the EVM Governance contract.
  5. Once the 7-day timelock passes on the scheduled proposal, a user can execute the proposal on the Governance contract, which applies the action on the Axelar Gateway.
    participant U as User
    participant A as Axelar Network
    participant Gov as Governance
    participant G as Axelar Gateway
    U ->> A: Submit Proposal
    Note over A: 3-day Voting Period
    A ->> Gov: Schedule Proposal
    Note over Gov: 7-day Timelock
    U ->> Gov: Execute Proposal
    Gov ->> G: Upgrade


RFC community post

Gateway contracts for each chain can be found here

Governance address set at the gateway

Governance contract (same address on each chain)

Governance timelock: 7 days

Governance chain: Axelarnet

Axelar governance account: axelar10d07y265gmmuvt4z0w9aw880jnsr700j7v9daj